Autism Support Services

Delivered as 1:1 support with the person with autism or as parent support sessions . Options for face to face, phone or Telehealth sessions and in some circumstances school observations or sessions.

Understanding the autism diagnosis

Over the years Kate has met and supported many families and individuals who do not fully understand what autism means for them or their loved one and hence are unclear what impacts their autistic characteristics may be having on them daily. This leaves families feeling confused about the direction they need to take their support. For this reason Kate starts her support by guiding people to gain a better understanding of their autism characteristics and hence develop more effective strategies, strong resilience and well-being foundations and an ability to effectively advocate for themselves.

Assisting in explaining autism to family, friends and other supporters

Feeling understood and supported by family and friends is beneficial to the individual on the spectrum and their loved ones. Kate can guide people in how to explain a diagnosis to extended family and networks and assist in creating tools that can aid this process to promote a strong and consistent understanding among your broad network of informal and professional supports.

Developing everyday living skills

Kate can develop a suite of individualised strategies based on evidence informed supports to build skills in a range of areas such as morning and bedtime routines, toilet training, personal care and more.

Preparation for life transitions

Transitions are an area of life that autistic people can find difficult; starting kindergarten, school, moving home or changing changing employment. Given transitions are unavoidable it is helpful to be prepared for such changes and have tools to make these times smooth. BOOK in for a 2025 kindy or school transition support plan now!

Strengthening emotional regulation

Kate will work with individuals and their families to recognise a broader range of emotions, causes of emotional dysregulation and an individual’s physical responses to emotions and from this techniques to help restore calm and regulation.

Furthering social engagement

Understanding behaviour

Work with Kate to develop social awareness and responses to be used in a range of environments. Support with a focus on social development will start with helping people build an awareness of the social context and expectations and then build strategies to navigate these scenarios.

Everything happens for a reasons! Work with Kate to look at what particular behaviours are achieving for an individual and how they can be shaped into new behaviours that can help achieve a better result in a more appropriate way.


Traditionally not all community groups, schools and business have been set up with neurodiverse affirming practices or as truly inclusive spaces. Bloom consultancy acknowledges this and works with forward thinking organisations who wish to offer genuine inclusivity to its staff, clients, patrons and customers.

Consultancy may include training for staff, reviewing environments, looking at recruitment practices and more. Kate has experience in designing and delivering training content for schools and businesses and providing consultancy to both small and large organisations such as SA SES, SunPork, Headspace and Adelaide Zoo.


Upcoming group:


We are excited to share that we are running a siblings support group called SibWorks. SibWorks is a peer support program for children aged 8-12 years of age, who have a brother or sister with autism. Created by Siblings Australia, the program is designed to support siblings by building their emotional wellbeing and resilience, and connecting with others who share the same experience.

The SibWorks peer support program runs over seven sessions conducted by Kate Exner who is registered SibWorks facilitator. On completion of the course, children who take part will:

·         understand more about disability and functional challenge

·         feel less alone

·         know new ways to deal with tricky feelings

·         have practiced coping skills they can use in their lives

·         feel more positive about themselves as siblings

It is also likely that siblings will also gain a better understand and accept their brother or sister with disability. This can add to the strength of the relationship.

Time/day/dates: Wednesdays 4pm-5pm starting  9/8/23 for 7 weeks

Venue: The Hut Community Centre, 1 Euston Rd Aldgate

Cost: NDIS funds can be used $496

Contact Hills Psychology to register or (08) 8131 0149

Please note a parent or carer must stay on site, a waiting area and tea and coffee is provided.

Current group:

Inclusive Playgroup

The Hut’s Outdoor Playgroup commences on July 26th, 2023 (Term 3) and will run each Wednesday of school terms from 9:30-11:30am.  

Open to all pre-schoolers and their parents/caregivers, we are offering outdoor play with activities and play spaces that cater to  the needs of neurodiverse children.  

With garden space, sandpit, waterplay, art/craft activities and quiet spaces, there will be a range of activities to cover balance/coordination, sensory experiences, and free play. We also have a large indoor space to use if the weather is extreme. 

Inclusive practices of this playgroup will include; 

  • Information about facilitators and the site will be made available to families beforehand to build familiarity  

  • Schedules and social scripts used to ensure clear information sharing and expectations  

  • Visuals cues used to support communication 

  • Sensory activities available, sensory flexible spaces 

Facilitated by Autism Support Specialist (Kate Exner). 

Cost:  $2 per session

If you would like to know more Outdoor Playgroup | The Hut Community Centre